Color Palette Parisian Green Door: Color Snap Tool
Ready for color palette fun? Let’s take a look at this gorgeous Parisian green door and what fabulous color we find.
Hey there! I had so much fun creating this color palette using a forte night lily and I thought, why not do it again with this stunning Parisian green door?
This time, I decided to try a beautiful door from the city of lights, Paris! I was so enamored with this incredible city, its beauty is astounding.
I have a love for doors. The ornate and the simple. I snapped these as we walked the streets of Paris.
They are a beacon of hope, of opportunity when open.
Peace & comfort when closed on things that no longer bring us joy or are no longer helpful in this journey of life.
Today I hope you find overwhelming joy as doors open for you and sweet relief and gratitude for the ones you close or are closed for you.
Ready to see what the Color Snap App from Sherwin Williams came up with for our Parisian green door?
I just love this little app, Color Snap by Sherwin Williams. Look at all those fabulous colors to choose from!
Can’t you imagine a room using this Parisian door color palette?
Why don’t we pull a look together? Now, just to be transparent, there will be affiliate links and if you choose to purchase an item through one of these links – I may receive a small commission.
I thought it would be fun to give this grouping a slight coastal feel. I’m a coastal girl and was feeling a little homesick.
So much fun to look at the beauty around us and create a color palette that evokes happy memories.
Thanks for stopping by today! Until next time, keep creating home my friends.