Create Beautiful Christmas Presents! A “No Place Like Home” Blog Hop

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Presentation, they say is 90 percent of the gift, but how do you create Beautiful Christmas Presents with ease? Read on to find out how.


Hello Friends!

It’s Friday! Today the very creative ladies of “No Place Like Home” will be sharing another round of goodness today! It’s all about  Christmas presents!

A Home To Grow Old In | Hey Fitzy | Nourish and Nestle | Sweet Parrish Place

The Aspiring Home | The Red Painted Cottage | Savvy Apron


I confess – I have a serious love affair with fabulously wrapped presents.There is something magical about a beautifully wrapped present. I mean, you could wrap a $1 squirt gun in a gorgeous wrapping and make it an event.

One Christmas when I was about 15, I noticed a gift wrapped so lovely that it stood out.  The ribbon and the paper coordinated perfectly, red and green stripes with little gold french horns. To make it even more impressive a small golden french horn ornament dangled from the satin ribbon.  To my surprise when I turned the tag over… the gift was for me.

Christmas morning came and it was time to open gifts. I was so excited about that exquisite  present! After a few rounds of making sure everyone had received a few presents to open… the fancy wrapped gift made its way to me. As my mom handed me the present – she told me the story.

She was out shopping and found gifts in a large department store. As a promotional, the department store offered a free deluxe gift wrapping if your receipt reached a certain amount. The chosen item to receive the freebie happened to be one for me.

I was so touched that she chose to use the deluxe wrapping on me. I felt so very special, I mean there was a satin bow AND an ornament. I had always seen the gift wrap department and the displays of perfectly coordinated ribbon, paper and extras. I wondered about the people who gave such gifts. I wondered if the recipients felt wonderful when presented with such loveliness.

I carefully opened  the gift, taking care not to tear the paper or ruin the ribbon. I studied how the bow was made, how the paper was cut to create perfect folds. Once I opened the present I noticed the folds in the tissue paper and the sweet gold sticker that held the paper in place – disguising the gift from immediate view. I purposed right then and there that I wanted to share that simple happiness.

I love that now-a-days , there are so many beautiful reasonably priced papers and fabulous ribbons at decent prices. Little extras to add to gifts do not have to be expensive.

 Brown craft paper with twine ribbon and a little pine cone will make a special presentation. You can take plain paper and add beautiful writing in gold. Tie a lovely ribbon in a simple bow and add a bit of cut garland – voila! Beautiful gift!


In the picture, the little jingle bells were half price and came in a pack of 20 from Hobby Lobby. I used upholstery thread to tie them together.  The ribbon was a Costco find. The wrapping paper – Target. If you are bow impaired… Hobby Lobby and other craft stores sell beautiful pre-made bows.

I leave you with my biggest hint for happy gift giving…. Wrap your gifts in Love. Give your gifts in Love. Release any hurt or frustration with life, your surroundings, with others before you begin to cut the paper. Play joyous music and think about the person you are wrapping the gift for. Pray for them as you fold and tape the paper. Find forgiveness for them as you tie the bow.  Think well wishes for them as you write their name on the gift tag. I notice a HUGE difference when I choose to wrap this way as opposed to just wrapping as fast as possible because I am tired, beyond stretched and stressed.  Gift giving becomes a precious event instead of a chore.

A lot of effort goes into making things beautiful and not everyone will appreciate your efforts. That’s OK. You don’t do it for the accolades or the praises… you create beautiful things and you give of yourself because it is in your heart to do so.

Much love to you as you begin preparing for The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Till Later,


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  1. Joy, that post is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing that precious teen years memory and you are right on regarding the attitude that we have when buying and giving gifts. Christmas is my very favorite time of the year and can’t wait to begin purchasing and wrapping with these tidbits in mind. Very Merry Christmas friend.

  2. Hi Joy,
    You are a masterful story teller. You pull the reader in as we hang on your every word. We want to hear what happens next!!

    I love your suggestions about wrapping the gift with love. Praying for them. Forgiving them. What a sweet reminder of the true meaning of the season!

    P.S. I love the little ornament you added to the end of your signature!

  3. This is so beautifully written, Joy! I really enjoyed reading every word about receiving your first beautifully wrapped present to praying over the presents as you wrap them. I think for many of us, this really is the most wonderful time of the year.

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