When The Path Becomes Hard To See
How are you doing today?
So many of us view life as a journey, a path to be traveled. Each of us has a purpose and a reason for being here. During seasons of life, the path seems to be wide and easy to navigate.
The walk joyous- we could almost skip and sometime we do… we can’t help ourselves. Believing in a greater plan is easy. But in the back of our hearts, we know it can’t always be like this. Our willing it to be only goes so far and there it is.
The path narrows and the direction becomes unclear. Our steps must become increasingly intentional.
The path leads through precarious terrain.
We can barely make the path out – we want to quit but choose to pause and catch out breath.
During the pause, our mind wants to race ahead and dream up what might be coming. We become discouraged and before long, feel frozen in place.
We are tired. So tired. We are bruised and parched. Doubt tries to muscle in to steal what morsels of hope we have left. What do we do?
We cry out for help.
And the battle between becoming stagnant and moving forward is won because help does arrive.
Help that comes in the miraculous and in the tedious. Help that comes through friend, stranger and even foe.
Our mind becomes steady and our companions,fortitude and tenacity are visible once more.
As we continue, we catch a glimpse of what’s ahead- our smile widens for the path eases again. Elated, we take a moment to look back and wonder in awe that we made it through.
We remember how…our heart called out, we were heard and answered.
This deep knowledge of not being alone is woven into our soul’s tapestry for we now know the path will become treacherous again.
Our eyes are now open to see our fellow travelers who begin to struggle and we are compelled by gratitude to come along side and answer the call. This is the lagniappe.
As these thoughts came to me – know that I am praying for you if your path feels almost non-existent and I am rejoicing with you who are through the struggle.
“Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” Psalms 139:10