Powder Room Paint Update Week 5 –

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The finish line is in sight! We have a powder room paint update for One Room Challenge Week 5. We’ve accomplished quite a bit, it’s a good thing because Week 6 is just around the corner!

Howdy Friends, ready for the powder room paint update?

I Suwannee this is the fastest 6 weeks of the year. The One Room Challenge is absolutely a phenomenal opportunity to go from concept to completion in a relatively short time. Linda of Calling It Home created this memorable challenge and every year it grows bigger and more impressive.

She makes it look so flawless but we all know the massive amount of work that goes into the ” behind the scenes” area to make an event such as this run like clockwork. Here we are in the One Room Challenge Week 5.


So, where are we? Well, we are a bit stressed and strained but determined!

If you are new to The Aspiring Home- Welcome! I am so very glad you stopped by.

Catch up here:

Week 1 // Week 2 // Week 3// Week 4

If you have been following me through this challenge – THANK YOU!

This week I thought I would show you kinda where we started with these projects and a bit of the back story.

We moved into our current home Labor Day weekend in 2005. It was an overwhelming move from Southern California back to Texas.

 The house was much bigger than anything we had ever had before and it was new construction so, I was a bit more apprehensive putting my mark on it.

Something about having an older home tends to give you permission to update and improve.

New construction makes you feel guilty for wanting to change the fresh paint and new faucets … even letting go of the infamous “boob” lights that grace so many new construction homes.

My goal 11 years ago was to unpack, put away, and make it as homey as I could. I was raising three young children and trying to establish ourselves in our community.

Time has marched on and two of my kids are grown and off to college.

My youngest is approaching the edge of becoming a teen.  We have had two leaks in the house which required new flooring (twice!).

The bedrooms received makeovers early on and the bathrooms received some paint and a few accessories but nothing memorable.


The downstairs is now not your typical builder grade and I am loving it. The colors were fine before but now the color is so rich and encompassing.

 The new vanity light has been installed and looks fabulous. This Powder room will be a fun eclectic mix of the decades and I will explain more at the final reveal next Thursday.

I ordered a bunch of pictures for the room and they are supposed to be here today!  

I decided to peruse one of the ORC sponsors – ATG Stores after their generous offer of $100 off of $199! Seriously good offer and I found the perfect mirror for above the sink!

I had toyed with the idea of using what I had on hand and after contemplated and hanging a few different mirrors- they were just fighting with the space.  

On their own- the mirrors are beautiful but in this space drenched with color… well, they were not happy and neither was I.  The mirror I found is a matchmaker’s dream. At least online – Ha!

Honestly, I feel very good about it – I even measured to make sure it fit. 😉  

To get the One Room Challenge code go to Calling It Home. In fact, while you are there- take a look at all the wonderful sponsors this One Room Challenge season.

I have a few more pieces to gather for the room, mainly from my stash around the house. If you have read my blog for any amount of time – you will discover that I have a tough time throwing things out. 🙂

Let’s look at the picture before paint but after the new flooring, sink and toilet were installed.

downstairs bathroom before aspiring home One Room Challenge week 5

Old Colors-

A. Well, this was a color test… I thought I wanted Benjamin Moore’s, Winter Gates. I ended up using this color in the game room – much better there.

B. Ralph Lauren’s Metallic in Teal – I love this color and I have had it in my dining room for 10 years. I keep thinking about updating it but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

C. Sherwin Williams Camelback – we painted the whole house interior this color after the first leak. When the second leak happened we went with Benjamin Moore’s Revere Pewter

The new color:

Walls -Behr paints – Wanderlust  Trim- Benjamin Moore’s Dove White


I will have better pictures for you on reveal day. The space is small so… it should be an interesting shoot.  I have a fun idea for the ceiling that I am working on – hope it is ready for the grand reveal.


Ah, the upstairs bathroom… about 8 years ago I decided to do a relief effect using spackle.

It turned out pretty good. The process was simple. I took a stencil and slathered spackle on the wall. Removed the stencil and voila instant “plaster” relief.

 It worked for a while until the youngest started to have an opinion. His bathroom shares the toilet with the powder room and he didn’t care for the paint or the relief.

I brushed his dislike off – I wasn’t ready to tackle that bathroom and he was 5 at the time…  

side note – every one of my children is stubborn, hard-headed, and opinionated like their mother. I have spent all their childhood directing these traits to be used for good.  I will stop here before I start quoting Star Wars. LOL


The spackle was scraped even with the wall then the residual was wiped off with a damp rag.

Ok, back to the upstairs powder room update. The colors worked years ago but not so much anymore. The room is windowless and it is time to lighten the feel of the space.

Here are the BEFORE Pictures…

Powder room paint update

Sorry for the lights being on in this photo but without them- you would be looking at a cave. This is pitiful but real life… I was about to paint the vanity when I realized I really needed to show you these before pics.

 I emptied drawers and found a Mardi Gras bead and a wipes container…for diapering babies.

Yes, my youngest is 12. Yes, I clean the surfaces of this bathroom but never bother opening the drawers… it’s a powder room.

So bad y’all but it is reality.  Let’s continue looking at BEFORE pics, shall we?

Powder room paint update
Powder room paint update

See that little chandy? Well, I found it for $5 years ago at Home Depot.

I just love it and it makes me happy. Back when it was popular to paint generic brass lights I went with brown.

I tried to make it better with the lampshades but that worked about as well as trying to put lipstick on a pig – keeping it real folks.

Take a look at where we are now:

Powder room paint update

A little gold leaf brought back the glimmer and then I changed the bulbs…

Powder room paint update

There are a few more tweaks I want to do but I really like the change.

The vanity looks smashing in Hale Navy (I will be giving it another coat)  and changing the color of the hardware was the right call.

Powder room paint update
Powder room paint update
painted vanity and marble tile install
adding new tile

How beautiful is the tile! Last week I shared about our tile compromise and I don’t feel like I compromised at all. I love how the marble picks up the vanity color.

The walls will get painted tomorrow! I get so excited and ancy when it’s time for the fresh color to go up!

We still have quite a bit to do in both spaces before the final reveal but I am hopeful we will be ready!

I’m still hunting for the right artwork and the elusive burl wood…. it is out there…somewhere.

Before I close this post I have to tell you about this amazing husband of mine who jumps in and supports all my crazy ideas and plans.

I couldn’t do all this without him. He has spent hours working while I try to wrap up other pressing projects. I would be working upstairs and he would be working downstairs.

I feel fortunate that he willingly puts up with me.  ðŸ™‚

I think I have sufficiently overwhelmed you what is going on here… how about checking out my fellow bloggers and their progress? Just click on the pics.


See you all next week!!

Keep creating home my friends,

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  1. Hi Joy,

    Your bathrooms are coming along beautifully! I laughed out loud when I read about your earlier paint colors. We painted our entire home SW Camelback years ago. Gosh I loved that color! 🙂

  2. Wow Joy, you really did take on a ton of work, but you are surely getting it done, no doubt with the help of that handy hubby of yours.
    And I know I’ve told you before, but I love that marble and the Hale Navy and even more so now that they are together…a match made in heaven for sure.

    Looking forward to next week.

    Hugs, Lynn

    1. Thank you Lynn! I definitely couldn’t do all this with out my handy hubby. I owe him a steak dinner! I am loving how your use of coral is complimenting the gorgeous chair you reupholstered.

  3. Wow, Joy, you’ve made some great choices in how the rooms are changing. I love the tile upstairs and I love the wall color downstairs. Just think, in a few more days we’ll all be finished with this and life can get hectic again with the holidays…LOL!

    1. Thank you Carol! Yes… just a few more days to go! and I am still coming up with ideas, LOL. We are on a roller coaster for sure aren’t we! I can’t wait to see your finished space for the ORC!

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