Fall Porch Makeover

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I don’t know about you but I am having a hard time comprehending that we are in the month of September.  Geez… the end of the year is just around the corner. I clearly remembering being a kid longing for the days to move quicker and being gently corrected by every adult. “Don’t wish away the days, Joy… they seem to speed up when you get older and you end up longing for them to slow down again.”. Well, dang it – they were right – and I now find myself gently correcting my children.

So, we are almost officially in the season of Fall. Here in our part of Texas, Fall is more of feeling than a season. If the temps drop 10 degrees – say to the low 80’s – we do a happy dance. When we are watching the boys play football at noon in 9o degree weather(100% humidity) that supposed to feel like a 102 degrees (and it does) – we get all giddy when a breeze comes our way. Heck we rarely believe in rain outs – we see it as God’s mercy on the heat and the kiddos play on.

You see where I am going with this right? It’s hard to put up Fall decor when you are “glistening” with sweat.  I do have a Fall Porch Makeover for you though – it is my porch from last year. I am looking forward to a little bit of crispness in the air because I am excited  about a few ideas I have for this year… the desire to execute said plans is where I am hung up.

Alright, enough jabber…

Fall Porch Makeover www.theaspiringhome.com

I am a sucker for the sound of water. Maybe it is because I grew up on the Coast and feel so drawn to it or maybe the sound beckons me to breathe deeply and rest. I wanted a fountain on my little porch to greet guests when they come to visit. The flower container is sitting on a simple little table we built. I will give you the deets very soon. I have since upgraded it with a stone top and it looks pretty sweet!

Fall Porch Makeover www.theaspiringhome.com

Opposite of the fountain is the quaint sitting area. I am trying to devise a way to create a bigger porch- my southern roots beg for it. Right now, we will make the most of it. The accent table is a plant stand and a particle board decorator table top. The legs broke and I kept the top – gave it and the plant stand a coat of paint and slapped them together. If the occasional storm passes through- I just bring the top inside to keep it from warping.


Yellow is one of my all time favorite colors and I love the way it looks with teal. Like I said- we view fall more as a feeling here so these colors work well for the time of year.


Fall Porch Makeover www.theaspiringhome.com


The pumpkin topiary was an easy project. I bought pumpkins from the craft store and added a hint of bronze. Hot glued leaves around the tops and stacked the pumpkins. This year- these little pumpkins are getting a whole new vibe! I can not wait to show you. Oh do I have ideas!!




Here is the Fall Porch. Of course, having two different colored mums in the pots up front does bother me. But I think the reason I went with it is the way the rust color creates a “triangle” effect with the yellow by the seating area. Or maybe it is because I need to remember that nature in her imperfections is perfect. Or maybe I just messed up. Yeah, probably the latter.

Well, there you have it- my front porch in all its Fallness. Stay tuned- I promise I will show you this year’s Fall Porch Makeover. I hear tales of lower temps coming our way…do I dare hope? Why not, anything is possible.

Till Later,



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fall front porch makeover www.theaspiringhome.com


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